2022 Finally Seemed Like a Nearly Normal Year Without COVID Restrictions Hindering Any Events.
The Family Fun Fair proceeded smoothly with families flocking out to stretch their legs and visit after being cooped up all winter. Kids were out playing and enjoying all of the traditional Camp Chestermere activities. We had numerous other not-for-profit groups who joined us which was awesome. The Southern Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association also held their rabbit show again which was great to see. We also had our first seed and plant exchange which we hope to make bigger and better in 2023.

The Rodeo committee volunteers worked extra hard to get our corral and bucking chutes in order with the help of two great summer students and the committee managed to put on an amazing second annual fully sanctioned bull riding event called Bulls on the Beach. It took place on July 22, 2022, and we added a very well-received outdoor cabaret starring Joel Olstrom and the Tin Star Band. And not to be outdone, the committee decided to add on another full series of corral events in conjunction with the Country Fair again in September that included another sanctioned professional bull riding event, mutton busting, sheep scramble and the ever-popular Charity Bull riding.
The weather gods decided to be gentler on us in September, and the Country Fair was well received by the community. We had a record number of parade entries including our own re-vamped float to start off the day. The Red Ribbon bench show was popular as always. Other activities included an indoor market, an outdoor market, beer gardens, kids’ zone and more. We also used a farm safety grant to bring in some special performers to teach the kids about fire safety again. The only hitch in the event was the lack of volunteers, which unfortunately is something we struggle with yearly.
We did manage to get some late-season bees so our fingers are crossed that they will be strong enough to survive the winter. The Bee Committee members out in Langdon have been welcoming children from a nearby Langdon school to come and learn about bees in their backyard again and the reviews from the children are positive.
We wrapped up the year with the second annual Christmas event in conjunction with Camp Chestermere called ‘That Winter Thing’. There was a nearly sold-out turkey dinner and movie night on Friday evening, a decorated tree and silent auction that raised monies for the Chestermere Women’s Crisis Society, the Kids Holiday Store (which sent almost 500 gifts home with local children) and a Saturday full of sleigh rides, games, crafts, blazing fire pits, hot cocoa and roasted marshmallows.
All in all, it was nice to get back into the community and offer more events for community members. We hope to do even more in 2023.