Financial assistance for non-profit organizations, including the Community Initiatives and Community Facility Enhancement programs is now available!
Programs Include:
Community Initiatives Program
The Community Initiatives Program (CIP) provides funding to support initiatives that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta.
Community Facility Enhancement Program
Financial assistance to upgrade, expand, purchase or build public-use community facilities.
Enhanced Capacity Advancement Program
This program provides funding for up to 3 years to Alberta-based capacity building non-profit organizations.
Multiculturalism, Indigenous and Inclusion Grant Program
This program supports initiatives and projects that build intercultural awareness and understanding.
Other Initiatives Program
This program provides funding for community projects that fall outside the scope of other Community Grants programs.
Stabilize Program
One-time operational funding for rodeos, sports, arts and other venue-based groups to help stabilize Alberta’s live experience sector.
Stabilize Program – Phase 2
One-time funding to help stabilize Alberta’s live experience sector.