Cheers to Chestermere!
Township 24 Brewery, nestled in our City, isn’t just a place to savour fine craft beer; it’s where neighbours become friends over a pint. Founded by Mike Gron in 2017, this brewery has become a beloved spot for both residents and beer enthusiasts.
“I was working in finance, so I was just looking for a change. And this was a nice one because it kind of built on my background coming from being a farm kid,” said Gron. He grew up on a farm near Strathmore surrounded by agriculture, which influenced his decision to use locally sourced Alberta barley in his beer to support local agriculture.
The brewery’s journey began in 2016, when Alberta’s legalities let smaller producers like Township 24 enter the evolving industry. “Even the same beer is not always the same every time. It’s not a result of somebody pushing a button on a computer,” said Gron.
Curtis Metzger, the head brewer, joined Township 24 when it was just in its starting phase. His love for exploring diverse beer flavours led him to the world of brewing. “I started brewing my own beer at home and very quickly got to the point where I discovered that I liked making the beer more than I drank it,” said Metzger. Metzger took the opportunity to attend the Olds College brewing program, which served as a pivotal step in his journey.
“Recipe development is something that I do love doing, and, you know, diving into the history of a beer or the history of an ingredient that I’m going to use and trying to find the best way to use it,” said Metzger. Mike and Curtis continually innovate and experiment with recipes to satisfy their thirst for novelty. Township 24 focuses on creating a welcoming community hub with strong local support, which helps balance the demand for innovation.
“We got good support from the community. I did tons of home deliveries. So, I know where every beer drinker in town lives for sure,” said Gron on facing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mike and Curtis both have a vision for Township 24 to continue crafting exceptional beer and serving as a cornerstone of Chestermere’s community.
With a dedication to using local ingredients and creating innovative brews, Township 24’s future is brimming with potential. Whether you’re a Chestermere local or a beer enthusiast from afar, keep an eye on this brewery; it’s brewing up something special.