Sitting amongst the warmth and softness of my copper tufted duvet, I acknowledge thoughts and ideas as they gently stroll into my mind. What can I write, to move the community in just the right way? To capture their minds and hearts, spellbound by simple words? As I contemplate the options, I realize the only way to move forward is to let go. Let go of the expectation of perfection, of the idea that I can please every set of eyes soaking up these letters. For what makes our community so unique, so dynamic, is its diversity. The opinions. The refusal to follow one choice blindly. No, we are much too aware, much too powerful for that.
The brightness of our people rises above perfection. Above these words I am pulling together right here and now before you. My introduction will simply be this, an acknowledgment of our variety, a trusting that those who sit and take this in will understand; that we are each one, yet together many. Many minds, many hearts, creating and weaving together the breathtaking beauty of this community. I am honored to share pieces of me within this space and humbled that you’ve read this far. No introduction is necessary, for I, we, are each a part of the many. In closing, I’ll serve you a sliver of my heart. Much love to each of you, Jess.
Slowing down,
embracing each moment,
allowing the earth
to meet me as I reach for her hand.
Just as her waters ripple,
and the moon holds her stance,
I shall remain soft yet firm,
feet planted solid on this land.
I breathe it all in,
exhaling deeply with gratefulness,
for here we are once more,
alive, well, where peace has taken us.
Remember, sweet child,
that the light is brightest
when candles burn
in unison.