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Woman Yoga Pose

The practice of yoga stretches back thousands of years and the poses have been shown to increase your strength, balance, and coordination while providing key mental and physical health benefits.

Here are nine ways the ancient practice can improve your well-being.

Teaches Breathing Techniques

Yoga promotes slow and controlled deep breathing. This opens up your chest and lung capacity, aids digestion and calms the mind.

Reduces Stress

By increasing oxygen to the brain, yoga exercise with deep concentration promotes a state of calmness. This reaches beyond the time spent on your mat by lowering your stress level for several hours afterward.

Increases Self-Confidence

While strengthening and sculpting your body combined with calming your mind, you naturally look and feel better. Yoga is also known for increased metabolism and natural weight loss.

Boosts Heart Health

Yoga helps relax blood vessels and increases circulation. Therefore, it helps lower your blood pressure and supplies oxygen to your muscles and vital organs.

Improves Sleep

Full body exercise and mental relaxation improve sleep. Yoga is a fantastic combination of these to help you naturally fall into a peaceful slumber.

Improves Balance

Slow, controlled movements not only help improve your balance but promotes proper spinal alignment protecting against injury.

Supports Joint Health

By relaxing your body and enhancing blood flow, while decreasing lactic acid in the muscles, you naturally decrease joint pain. This enables you to move through life less stiff and sore.

Eases Back Pain

Improved circulation, posture, balance and flexibility help loosen your joints and muscles more effectively to relieve back tension.

Fosters Mental Calmness

Focussing on your breath while moving your body melts away stress and allows you to focus on relaxed mindful movement.

Book a yoga class to start your health journey and, as a bonus, torch up to 600 calories per hour session.

Vicky Alberto

Compass Yoga