School Sites Update
I understand there is a lot of questions and some misinformation coming around our new school sites. I am getting final updates on the 10 new school sites coming in Chestermere, with our growing community.
Two school sites are ready to go, plus another one is not far behind. With one site already subdivided and the other two are in for subdivision approval with land titles. We understand these three sites will be k-9.
Our High School site is moving along and has conditional subdivision approval. An additional 7 acres of land is required to be purchased for the site. We are negotiating with Developers to acquire the land from the owner. This land shortage was left by previous council, which could not find the funds for the acquisition of the school lands, as you recall they wanted us to increase taxes last year, covering funds for operations and current capital requirements only.
Typically, in my experience, this land assembly should have been completed before the Developer started construction and received approvals. We are playing catch up, cleaning up issues like this.
Our philosophy has changed regarding developers. Cities do not have the funds to pay Developers expenses. Developers must pay for everything they need, affect or touch. Thus, the additional school lands will be paid for by developers. Developers are bringing the homes, people and kids. As a High School is fed from multiple communities, those Developers should contribute to supporting this land purchase. All aspects of development must be paid for by all the developers.
School Sites Update Part 2
Regarding the High School site extra land purchase, all developers should pay for the extra lands for a High School, as the kids from these developments fill the school. The City is working out the purchase with the developers. Normally, this should be taken care of prior to the developers starting development. This developer was never donating the land.
The City is not involved past the land subdivision process. However, the City does try to push the developer and this really follows a natural progression as the roads are completed, and services are run to homes around the school.
The challenge I see, is the school board wants to open a school at full capacity. Which often means when it opens it can be over capacity.
Please see images below for current proposed school sites, and the status of each site: