I would like to take a minute and introduce myself; my name is Richard Grier.
I have lived Chestermere since 2005.
Over the past few weeks, I have been working hard, trying to bring volleyball to Chestermere and surrounding area as the poster says. That includes Wheatland County and Rockyview. The demand seems to be out there, so I have taken it upon myself to give the youth an opportunity to get involved, closer to home.
By doing this, it gives our kids a variety of opportunities ranging from learning something new to practicing their skills. All levels are welcome to come give it a try.
At this point, we are still trying to see if there is enough of a demand. We are also looking for Coaches and any help that someone may be able to offer. I have approached ACE VOLLEYBALL in Calgary, helping by keeping records of the number of interested people and ages range.
Please send any questions and feedback to either the email on the attached poster or to my email address located below.
Yours Truly,
Richard Grier
Email: grier.gr@shaw.ca