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As a senior, what does independence look like for you?

Does it mean your own home, your own yard, your own kitchen and car and anything but an assisted living community? Well, hold on a minute. Let’s take a closer look.

Home ownership is great, but it comes with home maintenance. suggests budgeting 1% of the purchase price for maintenance. So, if your home is $500,000, budget $5,000 per year. That is for when you need the hot water tank replaced, shingles re-done or to fix the sagging fence. Ongoing maintenance includes filter furnace changes, spring cleaning, mowing the lawn and clearing snow and ice. Few enjoy those things now – and they can be expensive and even risky (such as ice removal) for aging seniors.

How about driving? The cost to keep a car on the road and the frustration of rush hour traffic – do you enjoy that now? Will you enjoy that later?

Having one’s own kitchen is great. Many people relax by cooking or baking… not so much with all that cleanup afterwards.

And what if you are recently widowed? Or you and/or your partner’s health has taken a turn? Family and friends rally around but they have their own lives too. You don’t want them to fuss… but you are lonely or need some extra help due to increasing limited mobility.

Retired Couple Looking Out Window

If your home and its upkeep are wearing you out physically and financially, if the thought of battling rush hour once again makes you sigh with frustration, if cooking is more and more a chore than a delight and if loneliness or illness are impacting your wellbeing… are you truly living the independent life you want?

For many, the thought of an assisted living community is not what comes to mind when thinking about being independent. However, there are many different kinds of facilities. Imagine having a condo-style home of your own, maintenance free. You have access to cook when you want, but meals are provided (and they are tasty and healthy).

Forget putting gas in the car. Transportation for events and appointments is provided. As for being lonely or needing just a little help with some tasks or with medication, other seniors (soon to be friends) and health care aids are on hand.

There are different levels of assisted care. For those with mobility but looking to just let go of the maintenance, driving and chores, or that are feeling lonely and isolated, an assisted living community could be just the thing you need to keep, and enjoy, true independence.

We know “assisted living” and “independent living” are not usually said in the same sentence. Let us change your mind. Book a tour today at Lakeshore Manor to learn more.

Lakeshore Manor