Seniors Week is June 5 - 11, 2023 !
Thank You to the 2023 Seniors Week Sponsors!
Register for The Tour de Chestermere Here !
Please joining us for a week of fun, and learning!
The 2023 Seniors Week Planning Group would like to invite you to the annual Chestermere Seniors Week. Seniors’ Week is to acknowledge seniors’ contributions which benefit residents of all ages in our communities. Seniors Week is an annual celebration dedicated to honouring and showing appreciation for the invaluable contributions of seniors to our community. In 2023, the event will take place from June 5th to 11th, and it promises to be a week full of fun, exciting and engaging activities for people of all ages. This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the wisdom, experience, and accomplishments of seniors in our communities. Come and join us as we celebrate our seniors and create unforgettable memories together!
Please see the 2023 schedule of events below.
Monday June 5
Opening Ceremony: 12PM – 1PM
Seniors Tea: 1 PM – 3:30 PM
Both Events will be held at City Hall
105 Marina Road, Chestermere

Tuesday June 6
Tour de Chestermere: 9AM – 12:30PM
Starting at John Peake Park
Register using the form below!
Origin Place Names & Refreshments: 1PM – 4PM
Hosted by the Whitecappers & Chestermere Historical Foundation
201 West Chestermere Drive, Chestermere

Wednesday June 7
Lunch & Games at Camp Chestermere!
12:30-1:00 PM – Doors Open and Registration
1:00 – 1:15 PM – Opening Remarks
1:15 to 2:30 PM – $ 5.00 Lunch
2:30 – 4:30 PM- Boat tours
3:00 – 4:30 PM – Older Adults Olympics
4:00-6:00 PM – Older Adults Trade Show
Registration required and payment at door.
Hosted By: Older Adults Coalition of Chestermere, Camp Chestermere, Chestermere Historical Foundation, Synergy

Thursday June 8
Pancake Breakfast: 9 – 10:30 AM
Hosted by Lakeshore Manor: 200 Marina Drive
Information Session: 11 AM – 1:30 PM
Held at City Hall: 105 Marina Rd.
Come and learn about public safety, being scam aware, AHS Goals of Care and elder abuse thanks to our feature presenters from the RCMP, Canada Revenue Agency and Calgary Rural Primary Care Network

Friday June 9
Come & Go Tea: 1:30PM – 3PM
Hosted by Lakeshore Manor:
200 Marina Road
For More Details, Click To See Poster
Open Games Night: 7PM – 9PM
Hosted by Whitecappers
201 West Chestermere Drive

Saturday June 10
Closing Ceremonies: 12PM
Hosted at John Peake Park
Featuring Young Bhangra dance & Live music
A special thank you to the 2023 Seniors Week Planning Group

Tour de Chestermere Details
Long Bicycle Loop – Start time: 9 AM
*Recommended for experienced riders only* Tour around the whole lake, stopping at various points of interest and meet some amazing people and organizations that call Chestermere home!
Short Bicycle Loop – Start Time: 11 AM
Will be a shortened version of the tour encompassing only the North half of the lake.
Walking Group – Start time: 10 AM (Fully Booked)
For those who would like to walk instead of ride, we have included an additional walking group that will follow the Short Bicycle route and only encompass the North half of the lake.