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Young Couple Doing Kettlebell Pushups

A simple internet search for fitness advice will quickly inundate you with information that’s hard to sift through to find the truth through the chaff.

When your goal is losing weight or getting stronger, everyone has a miracle solution that they’re ready to sell you making promises of quick and easy results with pills, wraps, and other ineffectual gimmicks.  It likely took months or even years for your body to change to how it is now, and the truth is you will need time and dedication to get to where you want to be.

So where do you start?

The simplest principle in exercise and weight loss is the F.I.T. principle, where:

“F” stands for Frequency,

“I” stands for Intensity, &

“T” stands for Time.

Increasing one or all those aspects of your fitness routine will bring you increased progress towards your goals. The Frequency of your workouts refers to how many times per week you commit time to exercise.

Increasing from 3 days per week to 5 days will increase your progress and help push past plateaus. The Intensity refers to how hard you’re exercising during those workouts. Reducing your rest time between sets, adding more weight, executing more challenging movements or pushing for more reps will help to increase the intensity. The Time you spend working out is just that: How long each workout lasts.

Maintaining the same level of intensity for a longer period will produce a greater challenge and demand more from your body, burning more calories and improving your results.

People in Gym With Battle Ropes

This doesn’t mean you should jump in headfirst to a maximum intensity workout, 2 hours a day, 7 days per week.

According to F.I.T. principles this would produce the greatest result but will also increase the risk of injury.

Any time you add something new to your workout routine, those changes should be progressive and controlled.

It always helps to find coach in order to get the most out of your workouts at a level that’s appropriate for your current fitness.

A good coach will adapt exercises to accommodate your current physical limits, challenge you at a reasonable level, push you when you can give more, and steer you away from injury.

As your fitness improves, their efforts will move you further and further along towards your goals. A good coach also takes the guesswork out of exercise, instructing you on proper form, and ensuring you are getting a balanced and well-rounded program to improve all aspects of your fitness and strength.

At Strong and Free Fitness and Health, our coaches consistently endeavor to create the ideal environment for achieving your goals.


We design our workouts around safety, effectiveness and enjoyment, thereby minimizing your risk of injury, accelerating your progress, and having fun along the way!

With our systems, we can adapt every exercise to each participant, ensuring that you’re being challenged appropriately based on your current fitness. Then, as you improve, we’ll help you increase the frequency, intensity and time of your workouts, ensuring that you continually make progress towards your goals.

 If you aren’t currently investing in your fitness, the best thing to do is start.

Brett Leonty