From the Desk of Mayor Colvin:
The long awaited twinning of Chestermere Blvd begins in 2023
The long awaited twinning of Chestermere and Rainbow road is finally to begin construction in 2023. The City has been working with Anthem United, which has agreed to lead the Twinning of Chestermere Blvd, between Rainbow Road and RR 284. (The pink line on the attached picture.)
The City will be looking into the twinning of the balance of Chestermere Blvd. from Rainbow Road eastward to Marina Dr – by Shoppers Drugmart.
- The Twinning of Rainbow Road
- Twinning from Chestermere Blvd south to the Canal
- The north portion of Rainbow Road 🌈 to highway #1, will be paved
- The City will be looking to see if traffic circles are appropriate for the intersections on both Chestermere BLVD and Rainbow Road.

Concept Design for a 3 Way Traffic Circle
The City is committed to moving projects forward, but to be clear, the city is following its new strategy and does NOT bankroll infrastructure projects or use taxpayers funds. Instead, our team works with the Developers in stages, to design, construct and fund the various projects needed. Bringing Developers into these three stages, will help keep the designs top notch and keeps costs in line. The City experts will still oversee the projects ensuring quality.
The City is committed to working to become more innovative in our approval processes by becoming more efficient and effective. When we speedup the process, it brings the costs down for Developers. On the condition that the Developers provide more services, prepare roads, school sites faster and provide more recreation.
The investment into our City by the Developers is important for us. Our job is to provide and encourage a roadmap for the various investments such as Commercial, Retail, Warehousing, Residential, and Recreation.
All in all – another great step forward in 2023
Happy Holidays !!
– Mayor Jeff Colvin