The City is Pleased to Announce The Launch of Our New Whistleblower Hotline.
This initiative has been put in place to ensure transparency and accountability. The hotline is operated by an independent third party as a method of reporting any issues relating to the City of Chestermere operations and administration.
The Fraud + Waste Hotline is a convenient, confidential, and anonymous way for members of the public, City employees, and contractors/vendors to report suspicion or proof of issues or wrongdoing (defined as any kind of activity that could be deemed illegal, dishonest, wasteful or a deliberate violation of City of Chestermere policy.)
Individuals May Report Things Like:
- a misrepresentation of information by an individual or on documents,
- forgery or alteration of documents,
- unauthorized use, disappearance, or destruction of City property or records,
- authorization or receipt of payment for goods not received,
- the mismanagement of City resources or assets in a willful, intentional, or negligent manner that goes against a City policy or direction by the Council.