The Western Irrigation District (WID) plays a pivotal role in managing and delivering water resources for various applications within the region, including the Chestermere Lake. Their primary function is to provide reliable and sustainable irrigation services to local farmers and agricultural operations, thereby contributing significantly to the region’s agricultural productivity and food security. Besides irrigation, the WID also delivers water for municipal, industrial, and recreational use, and manages critical infrastructure like canals, reservoirs, and other water structures. Through these services, the WID not only supports local economic development but also aids in water conservation and the overall environmental sustainability of the Chestermere region.
If residents have problems with docks, what do they do?
Docks fall on the landowner’s property and therefore fall into the City of Chestermere domain.
Any private resident concerns regarding docks or boat lifts should go to City first.
Questions about water quality?
Water quality concerns can be sent to The City of Chestermere.
Problems with neighbours?
The City of Chestermere will handle these complaints.
When are we turning the water on?
WID’s goal is to have the reservoir operational by May 1 of each year. Some years this is not possible due to the icing conditions on the reservoir and on the Bow River.
When will the reservoir be lowered?
WID’s goal is to lower the reservoir on the Monday of Thanksgiving weekend, each year
How deep is the reservoir?
26 Ft at the deepest
Not enough time to get boats out at the end of the season?
WID’s goal is to lower the reservoir on the Monday of the Thanksgiving weekend, each year.
Can we pave the path around the lake for bikes?
We are always looking for ways to continually encourage outdoor activities and any changes proposed will be announced on the website for Chestermere and Western Irrigation District.